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Music In Mind Privacy Policy

Music In Mind Music Therapy is committed to the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles 2014 and the privacy provisions of all applicable legislation. This privacy policy covers all personal information we hold, that is, information, or an opinion about an individual, whose identity is apparent, or can be reasonably ascertained, from that information or opinion. This includes information we have collected from people through our office, over the phone and over the Internet.


Collecting Information

When we collect personal information from an individual, we will ensure that we do so in a fair manner and that we let the individual know where and how to contact our organisation. We will only collect information that is necessary for one or more of our functions or activities.

We will advise individuals of the purpose for which their personal information is collected.

By providing us with your contact details you consent to us contacting you in the future with relevant information to our company services. 

If we collect sensitive information (as defined under the Act), we will treat it with the utmost security and confidentiality. We will ensure that it is not collected for any purposes, other than those for which we have obtained the individual’s consent, unless the law requires otherwise, or other exceptional circumstances prevail as described under the Act.

Where an individual chooses not to provide requested information, we will advise that individual of what consequences this non-disclosure may have. For example, withholding certain information may limit our ability to provide relevant offers or services to individuals.


Disclosing Information

We will only disclose personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act.

This means that personal information may be disclosed:

  • For the purposes for which we have advised that we are collecting it, and for related purposes that the individual would reasonably expect 

  • Where we have the consent of the individual to do so

  • As required by law

  • Under other circumstances where permitted under the Act

  • In the course of our business activities, we may need to disclose some of your personal information to relevant staff.


Unauthorised Disclosure Or Access

Our practice is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals, we will view unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal information by our employees or contractors, as a serious breach of this policy. Appropriate action (which may include disciplinary or legal action) will be taken in such cases.



We will always provide individuals with a nil-cost way of contacting us to register a request to “opt-out” from receiving any product offers.


Access To Personal Information

Individuals will be able to access their personal information upon request. However, our practice may occasionally need to deny access to information in accordance with the exemptions contained in the Act.



Our goal is to protect the personal information collected by our practice) and its associations. Personal information will be managed confidentially and securely and destroyed appropriately when no longer required.

We will monitor and implement appropriate technical advances or management processes, to safeguard personal information.


Data Quality

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the data we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date, and has been obtained directly from individuals or other reputable sources.


Privacy Inquiries

Privacy related inquiries or concerns can be directed to our practice.


Availability And Review Of Policy

We will make our privacy policy available upon request and will provide a link to this policy from our website.

This policy will be reviewed from time to time and any amendments will be incorporated into the updated policy.

GDPR Privacy Notice 


Music In Mind Music Therapy


Music In Mind Music Therapy is committed to protecting your personal information and this privacy notice relates to our use of your personal information collected from you either in person, by letter, e-mail or over the telephone. It also relates to information about you that is shared with us from someone else e.g. your doctor, solicitor, insurance company, employer or case management company.

‘Personal data’ means any information that is identifiable about you.

‘Special categories personal data’ means ‘sensitive data’ such as health data.

‘We’ means Music In Mind Music Therapy.

We collect and process data because we have a legal or contractual obligation to do so and we ensure that it is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary to provide a health care service to you.

What information we collect

We collect and process information when you telephone the clinic to make an enquiry or appointment, when you email us, when we receive a referral about you, or if you visit the clinic in person.

At the point of enquiry or booking we will ask you for personal data:

  • Full name

  • Date of birth

  • Address

  • Telephone number, either landline or mobile or both

  • E-mail address

  • Health condition outline


Our lawful basis for processing your general personal data is contractual in order to be able to offer you a health care service, appointments and billing.


At your appointment at the clinic, we may ask for information regarding:

  • General health

  • Previous health

  • Social, personal and employment history relevant to your case

  • Information regarding the condition you are seeking advice about

  • Activities you undertake

  • Medication you take

  • Challenges you face in various aspects of your life and functioning

  • What goals you are aiming to achieve through music therapy

  • We will also record the findings of your music therapy assessments and continue to keep a record of your sessions each time you attend the clinic.


We may access information about medical circumstances via your GP or medical advisor.

Our lawful basis for processing your special categories of personal data is a legal obligation, as we have to fulfil documentation criteria to meet professional standards.


How we use this information

We use an electronic diary, note taking software and accounts package.

We use the information for the following purposes:

1. To provide a legal record of any treatment or advice we provide.

2. To ensure continuity of care.

3. For accounts purposes.

4. To contact you about your ongoing treatment including sending information by e-mail.

5. To contact you if new information or treatments become available that may be of benefit to you.

6. To liaise with other medical professionals who may be involved in your care. This may include GP’s, consultants, occupational health departments, class instructors, psychologists, support workers, carers, family members, speech pathologists, dieticians, behavioural support practitioners and other health care professionals - or anyone involved in your claim in a professional capacity who requires information to assist in your care. 

7. For quality feedback and audit purposes.


We do not pass on your information for commercial purposes.

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that our information is kept up to date and rectified if necessary. It is your responsibility to inform us if any personal information changes, in order that our records are accurate.

How long do we keep personal information?

We keep your personal data for no longer than reasonably necessary.

We may retain electronic records indefinitely for use if you return for another episode of care within 8 years and for analytical purposes.


How do we protect your information?

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In-order-to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect.

Our website contains links to external sites, these sites have their own privacy policies and we are not responsible for their content, you should check their privacy policy prior to submitting any personal information.


Sharing your personal data.

We may pass information, with your permission, to other medical professionals or insurance companies who are involved in your care. This may include GP’s, consultants, occupational health departments, class instructors, other health care professionals - or anyone involved in your claim in a professional capacity who requires information to assist in your care. 

This information may be passed on in the form of a written letter which is given to you – if this is the case, the letter becomes your responsibility and the protection of its contents is your responsibility.

If the information is passed electronically by email we will take reasonable precautions to transmit the information securely.


Providing us with your personal data

You are under no statutory or contractual requirement or obligation to provide us with your personal data but failure to do so may mean we are unable to offer services at our clinics.


Controlling your personal information

You are entitled, to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to have any discrepancies rectified if appropriate. If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us and we will promptly correct any information where legally possible.

You are entitled to request that we transfer your data directly to another controller and to request that your personal data is erased where it is no longer necessary to retain it.

We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so.

We confirm that we do not transfer data abroad or use any form of automated decision making in our business.

Changes to our privacy policy


All changes will be notified on our website


Any questions or complaints regarding this privacy notice should be addressed to:


Music In Mind Music Therapy

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